Monday, February 23, 2009

Jai Ho!

Overall the Oscar winners are to my liking. The only film up for best picture I did not see was The Reader, and neither did Hugh Jackman if you watched. Jenny and I went to see Slumdog Millionaire earlier this afternoon and everything this film won is well deserved. I especially like the young kids from the movie getting to fly out to L.A. for the awards, they look so cute in their tuxedos.

It would have been really cool to see Mickey Rourke win for best actor, but I cannot complain about Sean Penn. I felt it was between them all along and was probably only pulling for Mickey slightly more. If you haven't seen Rourke's acceptance speech from the Independent Spirit Awards Saturday night, then check the video below. He could have never topped this on ABC.

The award ceremony was much better than it has been in the recent past. I loved the Pineapple Express bit, Tina Fey and Steve Martin were hilarious and Best Animated Short's acceptance speech was brilliant. Best Asian speech of the night by far. The worst part - had to be the big musical number with Beyonce, it was just plain odd.

Most everything wrapped up quite nicely, Jackman did a decent job, his opening number was actually quite entertaining, but there was one question left unanswered. Who the hell knew Whoopi Goldberg has a huge dragon tattooed on her right boob?


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