Monday, February 16, 2009

The Magic of Dance

If only I had the video that Travis was taking last night at The Tipperary.

We were getting all ready to play last night and this table of three women were already there to watch. Jan spent some time talking to the most outgoing of the three about Celtic music. Then I began to notice as we began to play, she was standing up for the majority of our tunes. Not like should could not see, there was no one obstructing her view but she was clapping along and having a good time. All that was missing was hopping up and down while throwing a fist in the air and I would have felt like a Celtic rock star. Watch out Needfire, I'm coming. Ha!

As the night went on it became more apparent that she was not just standing and clapping, but there was a little sway in her stance. Like an Irish stripper without a pole she was shaking her pale, and probably freckled, ass to the tune of "Donald Where's Your Trousers." More songs, more dancing. More beers, more sultry movements. During one of the breaks some friends of ours, Travis and Lindi for those in the know, were discussing her talents, as they were sitting directly behind her. During the final set before they headed for the door, Travis held his digital camera in the air and proudly captured her choreography forever. I must get a copy of this.

The crowd was dissipating, our gear was packed and then we noticed a strange sight. Our private dancer had her face attached to the neck of the gentleman a table to her left. I guess being single at a bar on Valentine's Day will get you somewhere. Just look for the woman dancing alone, seductively, to Celtic music and you can bet that condom in your wallet will fulfill its destiny.


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